The World of Michel Donais

Flowers, Storytelling, Coding, Music…

I Became The Strongest Person

Chapter 0: Introduction [free access]

Iris swiftly moved to block her opponent’s blade. Swiftly is a relative expression, as the intention to shove that blade into her chest could have been conveyed through Morse code, accompanied by a reply message, transcripts on a sheet of paper, and a description of the impact being sent to a superior for further instructions. Such is the speed with which Iris processes her surroundings. While the action was slow, Iris thought about how she would react. Should she block it, deflect it, amplify its force to throw her opponent off balance, sever his hand, break his arm, or remain still and allow it to crash into her so hard that it would shatter? Such rapid thought processes are comparable to those of a martial arts grand master, patiently awaiting the punch of an average phone operator with four decades of experience.

In this scenario, the key difference lies in Iris’s perception. She was mistaken for an ordinary, overweight woman in her twenties, while her opponent was a notorious local troublemaker. Furthermore, Iris is holding her phone on her shoulder while waiting for the emergency services to answer. Finally, the thug will experience the full impact of Iris’s blocking motion, which is like encountering an immovable object, such as a steel rod, with his forearm.

“Argh! What the? How…”

Iris, growing increasingly bored, decided to retaliate and kicked her foe on the chin. Although it wasn’t strong enough to break any bones, it was strong enough to provoke a slight concussion and effectively silence the poor thug, preventing any new action.

“Yes, officer? I’d like to report an attempted mugging. It happened to me and three of my friends. No, don’t worry, he’s out cold.”

This kind of action is unlikely to be what Iris would have imagined possible just an hour ago. In fact, she would have been so traumatized that she would probably remain confined in her home for a year, avoiding even going to the grocery store.

– “All I ever wanted was a fairytale with a prince charming,” Iris sighed.

– “Sorry, what did you say?” the phone replied.

“Oh, no, nothing to worry about. So, is the police on its way?”